Early bird special

By Anonymous - 15/10/2019 16:00

Today, despite the fact they know I'm commuting hundreds of kilometres, I was requested to come to work at the earliest possible hour, every day. I'll be waking up at half past 3 a.m. and admire sunrises on my way. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 584
You deserved it 235

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why don't you take an AirBnB closer to your work when you have consecutive work days? Or crash at a co-workers house? On the other hand, watching sunrises can be quite inspiring.

Mungolikecandy 19

If you are commuting hundreds of kilometres every day then it may be time to either look for a place to live closer to work, find a crash pad for those days you are working, or find a new job closer to where you live now.


Why don't you take an AirBnB closer to your work when you have consecutive work days? Or crash at a co-workers house? On the other hand, watching sunrises can be quite inspiring.

They requested right? They didnt say it was mandatory? Otherwise there was no need to wake up at 3am everyday.

Only you can let people walk all over you. Good luck, OP!

Mungolikecandy 19

If you are commuting hundreds of kilometres every day then it may be time to either look for a place to live closer to work, find a crash pad for those days you are working, or find a new job closer to where you live now.

What the hell? Either relocate closer to your job, or find one closer to you. Damn...

I really dont think it's their problem.how far you live from work.

yea you need another job or to move. travelling hours every day twice a day is a horrible idea. not the mention that's if traffic's good

Suaria 38

I was in a similar situation to you OP about a month ago. My job was an hour away without traffic from my old place. Due to traffic I had to leave my old place at 5:30 am to get there at 7 am. I just moved closer. Now I'm 10 minutes away and can leave at 6:45 am.