By husks - 12/04/2011 04:08

Today, I broke up with my now ex-girlfriend for the 5th time. She still hasn't got the hint. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 110
You deserved it 12 424

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Does Hallmark make a "I dumped you, bitch! Move on!" card?


Maybe you just need to completely ignore her, I mean you might have wanted to remain friends with her, but after having to break up five times and she still hasn't got the message, it might be your only way. Or maybe talk to a friend of hers to see if they can get the message across as she won't listen to you? Or get a restraining order if she still doesn't get the hint if all else fails.

Defriend her on Facebook. That'll show her.

Or set your relationship status as single.

how to get dumped by a girl with 6 words or less -try having a sidesalad instead -u look fat in those jeans -try one size bigger - ur sister let me do that! ur welcome!

MyChemical_fml 0

The fraternity from Wanted :D..?? Idk why people hated that movie, I thought it was great.

Only movie I never finished. It was too painful to watch.

Just tell her that you two are never gonna be together. — then ask her about friends with benefits..!

its like a sales pitch of awesome!! So now that we aren't official, can i interest you in our friends with benefits package??

makes whipping noise and motion, I had an ex like that, please just one more chance, never changed though finally left her for good, I asked why she wouldn't try to be more trusting of me her answer was "I didn't think you'd ever leave for good so I thought I could get away with it" if this is a similar situation then leave and make it clear unless of course she just keeps acting like you're together

I have a friend like that. She just doesn't get it when it comes to guys. You have to look her in the eye, be blunt (not rude) but firm. that you are no longer dating. then ask her if she understands what you are saying. (so yes.. treat her like a 2 yr old that broke something)

Capt_Awesome137 0

do you keep going out with her?