By calgarygal - 23/11/2016 02:53

Today, I found out the little blue thing that my roommate has been sterilizing by boiling in our shared coffee maker, is a menstrual cup. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 667
You deserved it 745

Same thing different taste

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When I used a menstrual cup, I bought a pot for the sole purpose of sterilizing it. Menstrual blood is not dirty but then again, it's really intimate and it's really understandable that other people might not want to drink from the coffee pot after that

Leviathene 34

Yeah, it is good of her to at least sterilize it, but her implementation definitely needs work. Sterile or not, I wouldn't use it again. You should let her have the shared coffee maker, and get your own after this. Or get a new roomie.


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Boiling something won't get rid of proteins, so OP has been drinking particals of cooked menstrual blood in their coffee.

what? do you not wash/clean your coffee pot? ...

Leviathene 34

Yeah, it is good of her to at least sterilize it, but her implementation definitely needs work. Sterile or not, I wouldn't use it again. You should let her have the shared coffee maker, and get your own after this. Or get a new roomie.

When I used a menstrual cup, I bought a pot for the sole purpose of sterilizing it. Menstrual blood is not dirty but then again, it's really intimate and it's really understandable that other people might not want to drink from the coffee pot after that

Well, there's no telling what the roomie has floating around in her bloodstream. I wouldn't want anybody's bodily secretions in my dishes. That's just gross. That mess is how people end up with hepatitis. If she's putting her moon cup in the coffee maker, there's no telling what else she's up to.

Same here, I have this pot I only use to sterilize my menstrual cup. My roommate still somehow managed to go into my cupboard, take the pot without asking me, and use it to cook pasta. I'm not sure if I should tell them.

I'd have no issues telling my roomie in that situation #16. They need to learn not go through your stuff. And this is the perfect way to do it. You're also being honest with them, so yeah.

awildwhisper 30

Even if it wasn't menstrual blood and it came from a leg or arm, I still would want to be drinking out of it.... it's blood

countryb_cth 38

#16 honestly you should tell them. They will probably freak out at fist but it's their fault. Even if they try your roommate can't get mad at you since they took it without permission. Telling them will deffinatly teach them not to use your things without asking. Heck after you tell them they probably won't even go in your room anymore lol

I almost threw up in the middle of the street reading this. That's beyond disgusting. Fyl

Same here. What kind of idiot does that?

You need to explain to your roommate that that is a biohazard but at the very least rude.