By husks - 12/04/2011 04:08

Today, I broke up with my now ex-girlfriend for the 5th time. She still hasn't got the hint. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 110
You deserved it 12 424

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Does Hallmark make a "I dumped you, bitch! Move on!" card?


raff696 3

yeah I feel your pain! but do what i did, dump her for good and never look back

or you don't get the hint... to not continue dating her. dumbass.

agilldesign 0

I understand my ex boyfriend didn't get it till I had been dating someone else for a month

she didn't get the hint??? your just a baby who can't say no

I can't believe the utter stupidity I'm seeing in these comments.

livybug 0

I think this is everyones fml.

monicaunleashed 0

well if you don't take her back in the first place then you wouldn't have this problem

endora914 0

obviously if you've broken up with her 5 times then u keep going back! stop going back ya damn moron...