By ljennette25 - 23/09/2016 04:51 - United States - Princeton

Today, I started a new job as a school bus driver. I was sent on the hardest route in the area, and not 5 minutes in I came across a broke down truck in the middle of the road. I was stuck behind him for over an hour with a bus full of elementary school kids. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 289
You deserved it 887

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TigranPet 24

I wouldn't wish this upon my worst enemy

Being in a bus with elementary school kids is the absolute worst. There is no end to the constant screaming. It's like being in one of those concerts with 12 year old girls who never stop yelling at the performers. There's no way it doesn't give you a headache.


Did the thought cross your mind to go around him? Or provide assistance, even?

It was actually a tow truck with a pickup truck on the back of it. We were going up a very long, narrow, steep hill, and he was right in the middle of the rode. There was no way I could fit around him. Also he already had the wheel chocked so not much I could do for him

Even if he wanted to help you can't exactly just leave a bus full of elementary school kids unattended!

TigranPet 24

I wouldn't wish this upon my worst enemy

Being in a bus with elementary school kids is the absolute worst. There is no end to the constant screaming. It's like being in one of those concerts with 12 year old girls who never stop yelling at the performers. There's no way it doesn't give you a headache.

I don't know how you survived, but good job! *applauds*

Shay_Shay97 23

On the bright side, you are probably a legend to those kids now. You got them out of having to go to class. I remember when I went to elementary school and we had this bus driver who went through the McDonalds drive-thru. We were 45 minutes late to school, and we never saw him again after that. Ah, memories.

species4872 19

That must have been one hell of a McDonalds drive-thru to fit a bus.

Shay_Shay97 23

I stand corrected. In that case OP, you have my sympathy. I can't stand one little kid when I'm at a restaurant, but a whole bus load and in a very small space... Nooooo thank you.

Why didn't you make those kids get out and push the truck out of the way? Or tell them it's Career Day and have them interrogate the trucker why he can't handle a job most morons can do.

species4872 19

It amazes me how many people take comments literally rather then the tongue in cheek comments that they are.

Because there are people that would say what you said and seriously mean it.

On the plus side, the kids must've been elated to be losing school.

Based on the OP's comment on #6's comment, they didn't lose any school. They were on their way home.

species4872 19

Put it this way, surviving that you should be good to go.

when in Rome... if you're as silly as they are but still maintain that adult/kid respect, they'll respect you