By husks - 12/04/2011 04:08

Today, I broke up with my now ex-girlfriend for the 5th time. She still hasn't got the hint. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 110
You deserved it 12 424

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Does Hallmark make a "I dumped you, bitch! Move on!" card?


Push her out of a moving car-that should give her the idea.

I guess the people who don't understand this FML haven't had to deal with those people. It took my ex a month and a half to realize I was actually, really, truly, very serious about breaking up with him. I had to tell him "I'm breaking up with you now, please leave me alone" five or six times before he stopped showing up at my house randomly.

RedPillSucks 31

Klingons don't take no for an answer. You need to hit her with your pain stick.

Danieleb56 0

maybe you should quit going back out with her then..

Egnar 19

Look; your obligation as "boyfriend" is over as you've already broken up with her. It may sound stupid and silly but this is the time in which you stop answering her calls and her texts. Stop reading her e-mails and stop saying hi to her on whatever instant messaging services you use. When she shows up at your house you don't answer the door, you talk to her through the door. . .The only real response should be " We've been through this already, I broke up with you , please leave me alone. People like her won't take the hint easily and you have to tread carefully because if she gets any sign of hope that you still like her [never say anything about the good times or how you miss her at all] her resolve will just strengthen. . . .It's not the dick thing to do, you already held up your end up the bargain, now you need to get her to end her part.

have more sex with her, but start seeing someone else.

dirtylemonz 0

so stop getting back together with her ydi

thebassopotomous 0

Take her to the park, ram her rectum for a few minutes in the bushes and leave her there for the hobos