By husks - 12/04/2011 04:08

Today, I broke up with my now ex-girlfriend for the 5th time. She still hasn't got the hint. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 110
You deserved it 12 424

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Does Hallmark make a "I dumped you, bitch! Move on!" card?


then maybe you should stop getting together with her

Bizzy_Baby 0

well honey obviously because you keep taking her back so you obviously have some feelings for her and if not then you need to move on from her and let her get the point that way! and if shes one of those crazy ex girlfriends then your just screwed lol

apparently neither have you if you keep going back to her idiot

jamielap 0

lol I know someone in the same situation! haha good luck with het

jamielap 0

lol I know someone in the same situation! haha good luck with het

if she not getting the idea...make out with another chick in front of her. she will think ur cheating then won't want to be with you anymore unless she is some crazy psycho chick!

megthegreat 2

is your name Eric and do you go to UT? lol