By husks - 12/04/2011 04:08

Today, I broke up with my now ex-girlfriend for the 5th time. She still hasn't got the hint. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 110
You deserved it 12 424

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Does Hallmark make a "I dumped you, bitch! Move on!" card?


She's in denial. You need to cut her out of your life completely then.

Imagine_Child 0

ignore and avoid her as much as possible. or just start dating someone else, she should catch on eventually.

Kunoichi_Panda 0

or maybe you really are the one not getting the hint. if you've taken her back every time, maybe it's because you actually love/care about her, and just get angry and impulsive. if you really want to break up with someone, you'll do it no matter how clingy they are, trust me, my first bf was that way. but obviously you don't want to break up with her as much as you think you do if you take her back. then it's your fault if she's confused, not hers. dude, give her a freaking chance, you might be surprised. change may not happen overnight, but don't abandon someone for fear of something that hasn't even happened yet. past is past, look at RECENT history and make a decision on those thoughts. she loves you. abd maybe she's just trying to make you see that

ClingyOtter 4

You don't get the point of this FML. He tried breaking up with her 5 times, he didn't take her back five times. She's not getting the point or is in complete denial.

SHE didn't get the hint?! what about you?

travis0299 0

hey stupid If you keep breaking up with her why do you keep breaking up with her?? I think you are the one who is not taking the hint.

gatorsgirl 0

doesn't take 6 times. do it 1 time and stick with it.

Alright people, seriously? Read carefully. OP did NOT take his ex back multiple times. OP meant that he has told his ex 5 times that they're broken up and she's not accepting it or listening. Please stop with the "YDI because you took her back!" comments.