Her revenge

By Anonymous - 25/02/2020 22:00

Today, I broke up with my girlfriend. She then proceeded to ask for all the gifts she gave me for Christmas back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 716
You deserved it 778

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They were gifts, they are yours, you can say no and theres nothing she can do about it.Its just petty to ask for something back, she probably has a side guy in mind she wants to impress with them.

theangrybeaver 8

Personally, I prefer to donate or throw away any gifts given to me by an ex. It helps me to move on. Give them back gladly and thank her for helping you to move forward.


theangrybeaver 8

Personally, I prefer to donate or throw away any gifts given to me by an ex. It helps me to move on. Give them back gladly and thank her for helping you to move forward.

They were gifts, they are yours, you can say no and theres nothing she can do about it.Its just petty to ask for something back, she probably has a side guy in mind she wants to impress with them.

EmDizzle2007 28

would it really be worth the hassle??

If she gets them back, she scores a psychological victory. Don't give anything back, OP.

zaid spade 12

You two seem young and immature

How soon after Christmas and how expensive the gifts? But also they are gifts your under no obligation to return them there yours now

J15237 25
EmDizzle2007 28

there's info here we don't have.

I would have told her straight up to go **** herself and probably would burn all the shit infront of her 😂

I was thinking of doing that too my Ex-Gf but naw I decided too let her keep all the SHIT n HOPE she doesn't treat other people like shit next time.. 😑😑😑

Only conditional gift in a relationship is a ring. Its legally yours