By Anonymous - 10/12/2015 05:29 - Australia - Perth

Today, while working as a barista, a customer asked me for "gluten free milk". When I told her that most milk is gluten free, she flew into a fit of rage and cussed me out for being a "cheeky bitch". My manager then lectured me about not being "patronising" to customers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 660
You deserved it 2 709

Same thing different taste

Top comments

homesuckfucker 28

Next time someone makes a request like that, just tell 'em you'll give them what they asked for. Saves you the trouble of getting harassed for doing nothing wrong.

Wow. Someone is really taking the gluten free fad diet to an extreme. Or is lactose intolerant and doesn't realise what that actually means...


First rule of customer service - The customer is always right. Second rule - You can't cure stupid. The faster you learn to just nod, smile and say "of course, gluten free milk right away!" the happier you'll be.

be careful of them gluten free psychos. only about 1/10th of them know what they are talking about. the rest are caught up in a diet craze

Knew this had to be in Australia. ******* funny shit!!! Should have told her its decaf milk too...

I thought that all milk had gluten. The more you know!

You said "most milk,"'s possible she had Celiac's disease and was just trying to make sure that you used milk that WAS gluten-free. You weren't that condescending, and she grossly overreacted, so this is kind of in response to a lot of comments here that seem to be negative in general to people who need to make sure the stuff they consume doesn't have gluten in it.

So many people on here are trashing the customer when most of the commenters do not actually have to eat gluten free. FYI for those people, there is the possibility of gluten on EVERYTHING! It is put in meats often, it's in just about every sauce and soup, etc. and then there's the issue of cross contamination. As someone with celiac, I double check literally every single thing that is going into my mouth. Including "seemingly" harmless drinks. MOST milks are gluten free, but cross contamination is a huge risk with any product, including milk.

I'm both lactose and gluten intolerant, and unfortunately there are a number of soy or 'lactose free' milks that have gluten in the ingredients. your customer didn't need to be a bitch, but you might be surprised to find your smart arse answer can actually kill some people if you happen to be wrong.

Read the customer first and then do your shit.

TheSulkingDead 14

Just got to say "Sure!" Androstenedione give them the normal milk.

ahhhh humanity.... never fails to surprise me to say the least