By notinflammable - 27/06/2009 04:41 - United States

Today, my friend told me that semen was inflammable. Later at night I jacked off into a sock and then, excitedly, tried to lit the sock on fire. Turns out, semen is very much not inflammable. Naked, I shook my sock in the air so it would extinguish while my semen splashed out all over my room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 357
You deserved it 127 848

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shock98 0

why on earth did you think this was a good idea in the first place?

You know that "flammable" and "inflammable" mean the same thing right? Inflammable things catch fire???


If you're old enough to have fire starting equipment then you're old enough to know the meaning of "inflammable". You just created a whole new level of idiocy Made me laugh though! Kinda.

Fire-starting equipment? Also known as matches?

Hey do you know what else is inflammable? Your hair. Make sure to try that one out later tonight as well, moron.

askbobby96 0
vividpictures 17

He'll be the next Michael Jackson!

you could just be one of the dumbest people in the world

That's hot. No, seriously. Do you not know how put out a fire? Do you not know the meaning of the word inflammable? Isn't it light? Not lit? Didn't you know socks can catch fire? Read Guts and get back to me.

And your logic on the sock not being lightable was?

If you jacked off into the sock, how does the semen then fly all over your room when you shake it?

Actually, inflammable... means able to be inflamed. Inflammable means it CAN be set on fire. Non-inflammable means it can't catch on fire.

letitbe56 0

I clicked that you deserved this. Why? Because inflammable means that you CAN catch it on fire. So what you should have written is that your semen very much IS inflammable.

Did you know that "gullible" isn't in the dictionary?

you sir, #24, are made of so much win.