By notinflammable - 27/06/2009 04:41 - United States

Today, my friend told me that semen was inflammable. Later at night I jacked off into a sock and then, excitedly, tried to lit the sock on fire. Turns out, semen is very much not inflammable. Naked, I shook my sock in the air so it would extinguish while my semen splashed out all over my room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 357
You deserved it 127 849

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shock98 0

why on earth did you think this was a good idea in the first place?

You know that "flammable" and "inflammable" mean the same thing right? Inflammable things catch fire???


Bangarang_Rufio 0

Pwned! Imagine if he didn't remove the sock from his dick before lighting it? The visual is too funny NOT to think of lol.

lizz1234 0
LuvPink 0

You're a MORON. Inflammable means something CAN be set on fire! Inflammable = flammable. Your friend didn't lie to you, they must have known what an idiot you actually are and thought it'd be funny to teach you a lesson for being SO stupid. And second, how can you not know that (what i'm guessing are cotton) socks will catch on fire if you light them? YDI!

in·flam·ma·ble Pronunciation: in-ˈfla-mə-bəl Function: adjective Etymology: French, from Medieval Latin inflammabilis, from Latin inflammare Date: 1605 1 : flammable Seriously, you're retarded.

JackDupp 11

Thats ok. Just keep putting your semen in a sock and keep it out of the gene pool - k?

ihatestupidppl 0

Ok, your friend is AWESOME. He probably DID know what inflammable means and wanted to trick you into doing something stupid. And he did. So you absolutely deserved it. And, I think someone said this before but its worth repeating...even if you DID think the semen would not catch fire...WHY would you assume the SOCK wouldn't either?! Did your friend also tell you that if you ever want to prevent things from catching fire you should give 'em a healthy coat of semen?! (Wow I just gave myself a horrifying mental image of someone like, trying to fire proof their house...*shudder*)

Dont you think per chance that the sock was flammable?

highlightthat 0

hey, moron, next time you decide to light something on fire, get a dictionary! inflammable means that it catches fire!