It's getting hot in here…

By pmek - 26/03/2012 09:11 - Australia - Collingwood

Today, things started to heat up in the bedroom. Not in a sexual way, though; the lamp caught fire. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 465
You deserved it 3 297

Same thing different taste


Inheritance 10

You're on fire! (lame pun) *looks down* aww shit..

Some may say that puns are the highest form of wit. They are witless.

NoisyNykkii 10

1- oh god you're profile picture >_

Lamps can be very sexual. Fetishes fetishes fetishes...

Fire as well, evidently. The saying about fetishes is that "they exist for everything under the sun...including the sun".

Andr913 13

Oh...oh the Sun! Yes! Yes! It's so hot! *moans and screams from pleasure and burns* Also, 3, your picture fits this FML perfectly.

lamp must be jealous of your girlfriend.

I think the lamps jealous over his right hand

Hey, firelight is a great mood setter, just make sure you escape first...

It's gettin hot in here... So take off all yo clothes!! XD But seriously- I'm glad you're ok :)

dabomb1463 0

How do you light a lamp on fire?

With gas and a match? That's one they could have done it!

We're not that ******* primitive in Australia.

"oh baby... your lamp is on fire!" "Uh, thanks darling .." "No! Literally! "