By zyordz - 27/06/2009 04:12 - Peru

Today, I was working at a soup kitchen with people from my church. Seeing a rather disheveled couple, I told them the line started "over there". Only then did I realize that they were from my church, and were there to help serve soup. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 831
You deserved it 41 181

Same thing different taste

Top comments

People usually dress down when volunteering. I'd see it as an easy mistake though. Plus, how are you supposed to know everyone who goes to your church? Mine has over 400 members!

Ooh, sorry to hear that. I've made bad mistakes too. By the way, you didn't realise they were from your church? Anyway, good for you for helping people out!


Ooh, sorry to hear that. I've made bad mistakes too. By the way, you didn't realise they were from your church? Anyway, good for you for helping people out!

Today, I was volunteering at a soup kitchen for my church and a woman came up to me and pointed me in the direction of where the line started. FML

amatayo 0

hmmm you did not remember seeing them before? well if not then hey I'm sure they would love some soup

People usually dress down when volunteering. I'd see it as an easy mistake though. Plus, how are you supposed to know everyone who goes to your church? Mine has over 400 members!

black4wolf 0

FIRST!!! FFIRST EVERYBODY!!! and.... YDI becaus 4 +4=9

itsgen 16

what the hells ur problem OHH YEAA IM FIRST well news flash honney no ur NOT FIRST and it really pathetic that you get sooo excited over being first to cmnt on fml, do u have no life at all that you have to get worked up for cmnting first?? Wow you should work on getting a life and im suree ppl agree with me ohhh and 4+4=8 dumbass

13, Now how many fingers am I holding up?

4.... 5..... I don't know! I'm trying to see 5! D: LOLZ. "1984" is awesome. So is "Animal Farm" :3

He is holding up 1 and did you know 1+1=window?

So? You were just trying to do your job.

itsgen 16

woah i hope they didnt have hard feelings towards you but still ppl make mistakes even dumb onees

Colby_Colbert 0

usually you would stick ur foot in ur mouth but in this case just shove it up ur ass