By pandroida - 25/10/2009 15:56 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend admitted to checking out other girls when he's with me. In his defense, "he doesn't look at their face or boobs. Just their ass." FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 343
You deserved it 5 754

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Silentknight 0

that's a lousy defense. but that doesn't make him the only boyfriend who looks; it just makes him the only one who admits it. give him extra points for honesty, and make it clear that he can look but don't touch.

perdix 29

Tell him that's OK, when you check out other guys, you're not looking at their cocks, just the balls. Fair's fair.


i look at all women unless they are ugly or fat. and most women stare at me and drool, smile, wink, flip their hair and follow me too. that scares the hell out of some of my girl friends.

darkblue_13 0

all guys and all girls do this. Are you saying you have never looked at another guy when you are with your boyfriend?

Every man looks at other women- fact. Every woman looks at men as well it's human nature. At least your bf is honest. And he is with you. Get real bitch.

All guys are going to look. It's whether or not he tries anything that matters. Give him props for admitting it. Can you honestly say you never check any other guys out?

caticaticati 3

Who. *******. Cares. I POINT OUT hot chicks to my boyfriend and ask him if he agrees. If you trust your boyfriend to not cheat on you then it's no big deal. Maybe you said "FML" due to his dishonesty because he's probably lying when he says he doesn't look at ****. :)

You get a cookie for awesomeness.....and bacon

KingHumanity 0

YDI for being jealous and immature. Don't tell me you never check out guys on the street.

threer 30

When I'm single, I do. Especially not when my boyfriend is next to me. Lol

i hate being the devils advocate but shut the hell up hes just being a guy and at least he doesnt make it so obvious that you already knew

lol. men. so out of sync with girls. don't go so hard on him. he could have just kept lying.