By Anonymous - 28/09/2015 09:01 - United Kingdom - Southam

Today, I was at a get-together at a friend's house. Half an hour in, it became clear that someone had farted, and we all took turns asking who it was. When someone asked me, my girlfriend chimed in with, "Oh please, if it was him, you'd all be dead". FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 914
You deserved it 4 683

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HAHAHAHA that was actually a great one from her! She saved you (:

On the bright side, at least they know it wasn't actually you who did it


HAHAHAHA that was actually a great one from her! She saved you (:

I've said that about my boyfriend plenty of times and all of his friends would just look at him with pure disgust ?

I don't know if you're asking a question or not or just saying a sentence? It's kind of hard to tell, you see?

I meant to put a laughing emoji I don't know why it sent as a ?

Because emojis don't need to be everywhere, and FML understands that.

On the bright side, at least they know it wasn't actually you who did it

I'm not sure why, but these "On the bright side" comments really piss me off. It doesn't apply much in this situation because it's comical, but when something actually bad happens and someone says it, my reaction is just like, "REALLY!?"

On the bright side, nothing bad really happened

at least they won't have thought it was you!

That really isn't anything to be ashamed of, everyone has some smelly ones

JaydenKlein__ 16

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