By again? - 15/03/2016 10:03 - United States - Olympia

Today, while making love to my boyfriend, I noticed that instead of looking at me, he was admiring himself in the mirror. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 419
You deserved it 2 505

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Could he not be looking at you in the mirror as well?

Hmm....maybe he wants to see his ****** face idk


micjjones7215 9

Lots of things happen. Just like this FML being posted (it should have been posted, and it is).

Hmm....maybe he wants to see his ****** face idk

Could he not be looking at you in the mirror as well?

You can definitely tell whether someone is looking at you or at themselves in a mirror. If their eyes didn't meet, he was looking at himself.

I can't help but notice that your name is "again?". That's saying something.

At least you know he's not a vampire. That would really Suck!