By Anonymous - 30/04/2009 12:16 - United States

Today, my phone started ringing in the other room. I ran to go pick it up, tripped over my coffee table which gashed my leg, and knocked over my brand new 50" LCD TV, which broke over my head. Turns out it was a wrong number. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 436
You deserved it 15 298

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FAIL . Couldn't you just miss the call & call them back later ?

Maybe you should sober up before running in the house.


FAIL . Couldn't you just miss the call & call them back later ?

Kiwi18 0

how would you know its a wrong number if your tv fell on you. im sure the last thing you wouldve tried to do was check the phone after all that.

Maybe you should sober up before running in the house.

this is like that scene in burn after reading...

Champloo92 0
jio_freed 0

#3 and #8 - she probably called them back afterwards

KnOcOuT 0

That is why you need to walk to the phone instead of running. You will get there in time and not hurt yourself.

azhein 0

there's a lot of posts like this you think people would learn