By xxemetahxx - 11/07/2019 06:00

Today, I got home from work early to find my boyfriend spread eagle on the couch, taking pictures of his anus. Apparently, that's what his other girlfriend is into. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 744
You deserved it 229

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nhayaa 21

Well, you can tell him to take a look at your relationship and shove it up his ass.

Sounds like you’re involved with a bunch of assholes.


Sounds like you’re involved with a bunch of assholes.

Nhayaa 21

Well, you can tell him to take a look at your relationship and shove it up his ass.

Hmmmmmm could be your boyfriend has a boyfriend. But I guess that would still count as FYL

OneWhoKnows 5

That’s exactly what I was thinking

at least,you know you should get away from him

Trinity Fenwick 7

hope you don't have much time left on your lease cuz you need to kick his ASS to the curb.

I submitted this probably close to a year ago and that relationship has been done and over with. It’s nice to be able to look back and laugh with all these comments 😂

Nhayaa 21

Yeah, looks like FML has its own timeline, different from the rest of the world...