By Colin - 24/12/2008 05:56 - France

Today, I phoned up my bank's customer service department. I waited eleven minutes on hold with the lovely music, and when a woman finally picked up, I ran out of phone credit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 370
You deserved it 3 033

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Obviously, he has a limited number of minutes on his cellphone plan?

terrible, terrible customer service.


yeah, i don't get it. then again, i'm a bit mentally retarded.

Obviously, he has a limited number of minutes on his cellphone plan?

You ran out of credit on your phone?

Credit means money on your phone. Is people's knowledge that limited? Also YDI for using your mobile phone, use a landline phone next time.

We aren't all from ******* France or close to it. Idk what they call shit there. **** off.

terrible, terrible customer service.

I sympathise, but also, YDI for using a prepaid phone to call a bank