By blahblah493 - 26/05/2011 04:15 - United States

Today, I walked in on my mom trying to wax her butt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 078
You deserved it 6 634

Same thing different taste

Top comments


shellisocoolike 0

i dont think anybody would just walk in without knocking, maybe she was screaming and op went in to see if she was ok?

Well no man would like to lick a woman's hairy ass! so she's doing the right thing!

ahh everyone here is confused. yes, she spelled chewbacca right, and 12 tried to make a joke with the Japanese word 'baka' meaning idiot in place of the bacca in chewbacca. which, in a forum that's not really full of 'weaboos', was in bad taste. oh no... my first serious comment... the world must truly be ending now >_o

Tadeusz_fml 5

64: immature. 96: Cruel and untrue.

thanks for getting that picture in my head...

EWWWWWWWWWWWWW ! Shoulda Knocked first. (trying really hard to Block the visual)