By cantdolife - 23/09/2018 21:00 - United States - New Boston

Today, as a teacher, I had a conference with the mother of a student who is struggling with behavior. Turns out the mom is the woman who does my Brazilian waxes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 363
You deserved it 306

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow. How did that go? "I need to discuss Jonathan's behavior. He's refusing to do anything we tell him while he's in class, and causes disruptions in the cafeteria." "Uh-huh. Hey, it's been about a month since you last came in to see me. It must look like you invited a hipster to move in down there."

Is the kid a hair-puller? I’ve heard that’s hereditary.


Wow. How did that go? "I need to discuss Jonathan's behavior. He's refusing to do anything we tell him while he's in class, and causes disruptions in the cafeteria." "Uh-huh. Hey, it's been about a month since you last came in to see me. It must look like you invited a hipster to move in down there."

Is the kid a hair-puller? I’ve heard that’s hereditary.

PenguinPal3017 19

find a new waxer otherwise she my take the news personal

Flutter_Lily 6

You need a new place to get waxed.

I'm a guy, and maybe that's the issue here...but I don't understand why this is a big deal. If she was your accountant, hair stylist, Zumba instructor, or you doctor, would you also feel awkward? You're just doing your job.

If anything, I think it'd be way more embarrassing for the other woman.

And if the waxer took offense at the teacher doing her job, (and was completely unprofessional) she could make the next wax even more painful than they are rumored to be.

Must be pretty awkward arguing with someone who cleans out your lunch box.

If she didn’t all her time with *******, maybe she’d stand up to her son and correct his behavior

Talk about developing a personal relationship with a parent

Xavier K. Valdez 8