Different together

By jessie - 15/05/2021 04:00

Today, my mom walked in on me shaving the tops of my legs. She called me a freak, since apparently women aren’t even supposed to grow hair there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 016
You deserved it 82

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bleachedraven 14

I'm a woman and I have to shave my upper legs, not often, but hair does exists on upper legs. Your mom needs a dose of reality.

Meanwhile, your dad the Sasquatch strolls into the kitchen in short shorts and asks your mom to shave his back.


bleachedraven 14

I'm a woman and I have to shave my upper legs, not often, but hair does exists on upper legs. Your mom needs a dose of reality.

I shave my thighs. I definitely grow hair there. wait till mom learns about puberty

Meanwhile, your dad the Sasquatch strolls into the kitchen in short shorts and asks your mom to shave his back.

I'd put money on your mom having just gotten back from shaving her mustache.

Your mom is stupid if that's what she thinks.

Wait until she hits menopause and starts growing hair everywhere and then call her a freak.

My favorite response when people notice my face stubble: "Well, would you prefer I NOT shave it?" Works on lots of 'unusually hairy' areas. (It's not really 'unusually hairy'. You just have darker\thicker hair instead of light and nearly invisible. It happens. I've met girls with full-blown beards and people with no hair at all. Bodies come in a wide range of everything and hair is no exception. Don't worry about it.)