By Anonymous - 19/03/2010 10:05 - United Kingdom

Today, I realized that my new boyfriend only showers about once every ten days, and to get him to shower more often I have to bribe him with oral sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 882
You deserved it 22 194

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope you give him oral AFTER he bathes at least. gross.

easy fix... dump him. he has a problem, and it's not like you're married. what do you even find attractive about a guy who never showers?


rachohmy 0

Stop hating on snickerdoodles. I am one of those pictureless losers (haha) but I have been using FML for a while and have always been a fan of yours. Don't listen to what those jerks say. You're great and you should know that people don't give you enough credit and appreciation of your input and knowledge.

Sparkiee93 3

Um, you're doing it wrong XD You don't have any oral sex with him until he showers regularly.

just dump him. I would say at this point it would be ydi for being that dumb.

why would you give oral sex if he's dirty

sexisbad 1

you deserve it for staying with that shit AND for cleaningvthe dirt off his penis with your tongue. way to go.

dorkrockz 0

okay ewwwwww how can u give him oral sex is he doesnt washes it ur nasty

Personally I hate people with bad spelling because I have to keep unscrambling worlds and then remove pieces from the puzzle that is a sentence and figure out which world fits properly. Iunderstand you don't want to double check your work because it is the Internet, but could you atleast use the try to make it readable. Some people need to go back to elementary school. Sorry I dun hav pic =[