What happens in work…

By Martyb - 24/05/2024 00:00 - United States

Today, I found out my best friend works at my husband’s job. He calls her his “work wife.” I had no idea they worked together, nor the fact that he calls her that. I used her phone to call my husband and she has him as “Work Hubby” with a heart emoji. The worst part? They insist nothing is going on between them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 524
You deserved it 133

Same thing different taste

Top comments

d j mom 6

could be nothing, but just keep an eye on the situation. if they start to have to work late a lot, that's when you really need to worry.

It could be . At one of my friends' (gay) previous jobs, he and a bestie female coworker referred to each other as work-husband and work-wife. Certain terms can be used innocently among others.


It could be . At one of my friends' (gay) previous jobs, he and a bestie female coworker referred to each other as work-husband and work-wife. Certain terms can be used innocently among others.

d j mom 6

could be nothing, but just keep an eye on the situation. if they start to have to work late a lot, that's when you really need to worry.

tiptoppc 19

That’s what supply closets used to be for. Then they started locking them. But yeah, hopefully OP it’s benign, but sometimes benign “can” start with suggestions and end up in fruition if there are any inklings of feelings involved at any time.

"work spouse" is a misleading term. 99% chance nothing untoward is occurring.

Am I the only one who hasn't heard of a work spouse? Then again, most of my coworkers are female and the two males in the office are old enough to be all of our fathers, so... yeah. But seriously, I wouldn't be comfortable with being in a relationship like that - on either side. Hopefully it's completely platonic.

What would you have thought if hubby's number were I her phone in any other name? would you think nothing of it if it was his first/last name? Or would you think they were having an affair? I am NOT saying nothing is going on. I am saying consider how things would be thought if in the other situation. It may be innocent. it may be a joke between them. in no way is it appropriate. It is worth discussing with your hubby how it looks and how it makes you feel. get the whole story for sure.

anony_mouse 2

She's your friend and is fully aware he's your husband, it's already inappropriate. Imagine if you had his best friend in your phone as "work husband?" How would he feel if you called his best friend and it showed up as "work wife?" Disgusting. They're both trash.

Sounds like they are just really good friends. So nothing to worry about, not like one drunk night can suddenly change that.