By Anonymous - 19/03/2010 10:05 - United Kingdom

Today, I realized that my new boyfriend only showers about once every ten days, and to get him to shower more often I have to bribe him with oral sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 882
You deserved it 22 194

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope you give him oral AFTER he bathes at least. gross.

easy fix... dump him. he has a problem, and it's not like you're married. what do you even find attractive about a guy who never showers?


ew. haha. definately wrong way around.

That is disgusting and repulsive. Dump him. Why would you want to be with someone so dirty and gross?

snickerdoodles is amazing. that's that. if you have no life and come in here to say stuff about others your a loser. now get a life/job and get outta your parents basement.

well then make your own god damn sandwhich. there, problem solved. and op, that's disgusting...

PaintTheStars 2

Where do you live that 13 year olds don't know what sex is?

why are you still dating someone so gross? that makes you just as nasty. YDI!!!

y don't u just leave his dirty ass? just sayin