Not how it works...

By Anonymous - 28/02/2017 00:00 - Canada

Today, my classmate told me she can copy an article from the internet and hand that in, as long as she cites it at the end. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 022
You deserved it 424

Same thing different taste

Top comments

To be fair she could, she'd fail, but she could do that.

And get a F if not a disciplinary hearing as a result


To be fair she could, she'd fail, but she could do that.

And get a F if not a disciplinary hearing as a result

Nah, as long as its cited its not outright dishonest, just lazy, i used to do something like this all the time for bs papers in gen-eds. just lookup an article that answered whatever garbage they were wanting a paper on, re-write it in my own words in almost the same format, and cite it at the end. Only one teacher ever caught it, and told me to just add some other info from some other sources and gave me an A.

Actually she has a point, to a degree. If it's a major paper then she's gonna fail, but if it's just a small requirement that requires a source then depending on the teacher she might be good.

species4872 19

Don't care. Really don't give a shit.

onceuponatime456 16

Then why bother reading or commenting?

I'm pretty sure OP isn't going to lose sleep over that

and it's an FML because it's true and you've been working hard to get the C's while she used her method to get B+ ?

She could and maybe even get a passing grade this time. Next time, the instructor will have the foresight to put a limit on sourced material.

onceuponatime456 16

Yes, she can and the teacher can then give her a fail!

CrassKal 27

So is this a group project that involved you? Otherwise I'm not sure why it's your FML, unless this is a general "bemoan the stupidity of the world" kind.

Let's just hope that you never have to do any group work with her.

My guess is that she won't be your classmate for long lol