By Anonymous - 03/05/2015 07:42 - United States - Annapolis
Same thing different taste
By Ilovelife07 - 19/09/2009 04:47 - United States
By ydahs - 08/05/2009 21:17 - United States
By Genuine D - 13/05/2017 08:00 - Canada - Mississauga
By WearingSomethingStringy - 10/04/2013 00:02 - United States - Cranston
By fuckalltwitardsintheface - 20/09/2012 21:34 - United States - Lindsey
By Idiot says "HIPAA violation" - 27/06/2015 01:21 - United States - Roanoke
By lalalasmiles06 - 04/09/2010 03:47
By i fking love docb - 04/11/2012 21:16 - Virgin Islands, U.S. - Christiansted
By anonymous - 17/07/2013 04:48 - United States - Katy
By Anonymous - 10/09/2011 05:57 - United States
Top comments
Should we really ask that
#42 Exactly! Maybe it's some kind of anal parasite/worm.
Hey it's a girl she might of mistaken it for a tampon
93, I surely hope you're just trolling. Because if not, I have pity on you for your blatant ignorance.
#95 - you don't get anal periods either? What lucky ducks we are! I feel sorry for all the other women out there with double periods...
In her butt?...
@93 a tampon does not in fact get inserted into the rectum...
Maybe it all came back to bite you in the bum
I'd imagine the partner of any dentist that has a butthole eating fetish would suffer from this
Then why did you get smashed by downvotes?
you realize no matter how much you floss it you'll still have a cavity, right?
Ya whole style and approach I invented.
Your colon needs to be squeaky clean too.
Just hope ur brother doesnt use that floss thinking it was his, like he thought he could use any toothbursh he finds
I could have sworn that floss is thrown away after each use.
Either that or op has been walking round with a packet of floss hanging round down there and not noticed!
It's almost like a thong, . . . butt floss
This comment made my day.
Kinky. ;)
It's almost like a thong, . . . butt floss
Sleep-eating? For that minty fresh ass...