By ydahs - 08/05/2009 21:17 - United States

Today, while in the hot tub with my friends, my gum fell out of my mouth and I had no idea where it went. Later that night I realized it had fallen down my swimsuit and had become adhered to my pubic hairs which then stuck to my underwear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 772
You deserved it 19 622

Same thing different taste

Top comments

eastsidehippie 0

Time for a hair cut? Btw, u should totally give urself a Hitler pube, u know, just the style. No offense to any jews.


lovelylaura1459 0

Eek-ums! Peanut butter and ice? Hahaha I'm sorry that sucks!

eastsidehippie 0

Time for a hair cut? Btw, u should totally give urself a Hitler pube, u know, just the style. No offense to any jews.

yeah, really, time for a trim whether you want to or not.

kspy 0

if you're allergic to peanut butter (like i am), vegetable oil works too.