By Anonymous - 08/06/2015 14:11 - United Kingdom

Today, my dad told me he had a present for me. It was his tooth, which he had pulled out a few minutes before. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 016
You deserved it 2 228

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He's giving it to you so you cash it with the tooth fairy and get some money! ;)

So your dad just pulled out one of his adult teeth? Ouch!


alee38410 5
mds9986 24
mds9986 24

I tried to type like a person with no teeth would talk :(

CliffyB03 28

It's the thought that counts! But seriously...ew

That's the ugly tooth of life. You never get the present you expect!

I tooth you not! This really happened!

Your name is donkey teeth. What are you hiding from us?

MzZombicidal 36

Maybe it's his way of attempting to compliment you by saying you look like a beautiful toothy fairy?

He's giving it to you so you cash it with the tooth fairy and get some money! ;)

Put it under your pillow, OP. Maybe you will get a shiny, new quarter.

Did you pay him? He obviously thought you were the tooth fairy.