By Anonymous - 01/12/2010 06:38 - Iraq

Today, I had to pull guard duty. I had to guard the latrine because somebody likes to stuff whole toilet paper rolls in the toilet to clog it. Only six more months in Iraq. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 263
You deserved it 3 690

Same thing different taste

Top comments

who is stupid enough to clog the toilet! what an idiot!

I think the military is doing what they are ordered to do. It's important that people are able to understand this. I don't agree with the war over there especially the justification used, but I have a lot of respect for someone (whatever the reason: to serve country, tuition money, just a job, etc) who has enough courage to go out there leaving friends, family, and all the comforts of home to go and fight, or perform whatever service in harms way. It takes a lot and it's not the soldiers' fault we are there it's the politicians so blame them JS.


sandstorm890 0

I'm glad to see that the federal government is spending taxpayers money in such a useful manner.

arngmudpuppy13 0

Welcome to the military! Haha...but look at it this could be way worse. You could be the guy cleaning that shit up.

rawrman22 0

thanks for ur service? lol where would we be without u guys.

hey sorry to hear about your guard duty. But Thank You for your service. Keep your head up. were proud of you

that your problem for being in a country that we should not of even been in

hejl31 0

#169... You have no clue about military people obviously because I know countless friends, friends siblings, friends parents an relatives who have served in the Armed Forces and are all amazing people. You are basing your opionion on ONE person and saying their ALL like that which, isn't true. Plus how could you think that someone that is trying to serve and help protect US is wrong. It's people like you that make me sick. Thank You to all who served and are serving in the Armed Forces.

I based that comment on the fact that we had absolutely no right to invade Iraq. it was done because that Moronic George bush had to be like his dad, and he also wanted to lay hands on the oil fields

MiGman 5

hey one day staying back to gaurd a latrine could save you and the rest of your company dies. it's happened to a friends dad

I don't care what job you have, thank you for serving our country.

I agree with mamamiaa 100 percent. I do not agree with the actual war, but I sure as hell commend those brave men and women who risk their lives every day over there. It doesn't matter

(continued) what guard duty this brave soldier was on when this story was posted. What matters is that he's still putting his life on the line every day. I want to say a big thank you to all the courageous men and women who have ever fought for their country.