What are you guys up to?

By OnlyFecked - 29/12/2021 13:59

Today, my dad discovered my daughter’s OnlyFans account. I’ll let you do the math on that one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 576
You deserved it 311

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He pays x dollars a month to see her X-rated content, where x > 0. Is that the answer you're looking for?


He pays x dollars a month to see her X-rated content, where x > 0. Is that the answer you're looking for?

Incest is best. Y’all can put that to the test

Your dad and daughter have found an activity they can do together! And your dad can even use it to give some pocket money to your daughter. What are you complaining about?

First of all, is she hot? Second, your dad coming across it doesn't necessarily mean he came across it. Third, is she hot?

randybryant799 20

My daughter is on there too. A girl has to make money how she can. And my daughter doesn't do nudes so I'm ok with it.

probably by word. and im assuming he trusts her. and hopes to not know more

bobsanction 18

We all have needs. As an aside, what is the link?