By skygardens - 21/08/2018 15:00

Today, I had just gotten home after being away for 8 months. My key didn’t work on my lock and while I was messing the door a man with a child opened. My landlord gave someone my apartment while I was away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 504
You deserved it 235

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you were still paying rent, this probably violates your tenant's agreement. Especially if s/he knew you were leaving. And what happened to your stuff? And where were you for eight months?

If you were paying rent, enjoy your lawsuit!


If you were paying rent, enjoy your lawsuit!

If you were still paying rent, this probably violates your tenant's agreement. Especially if s/he knew you were leaving. And what happened to your stuff? And where were you for eight months?

boopingsnoot 24

Perhaps taking care of a sick family member? Or they were in the military?

Wow I hope you have a lease so you can sue the shit out of the landlord sorry for ya 😤😕

ViviMage 39

Where is your stuff? Where you still paying rent? Did you tell the landlord/leasing office of your extended leave? Why did they rent the place out, that was their side of the story. Start getting a lawyer involved, ASAP.

NEI That’s the opposite of TMI. Did you give your landlord a heads-up you were returning? He could have told you what’s going on with the apartment.

islemstring 8

I’m pretty sure that’s illegal unless you weren’t paying the bills

Sounds like he's getting DP'd. No not that, double paid.

"while I was messing the door a man with child opened." ...What?

It's very clear. While OP was destroying the apartment's front door trying to open it, a female-to-male transgender pregnant man unlocked the door with his key and came in.

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tounces7 27

Nah, it's entirely possible the Landlord is really stupid and thought he could pull a fast one and get away with it.

I wish that were the case, but I've heard of landlords pulling off a lot of worst and just as illegal(if not more so) things than that.

Wait what? Your stuff? The rent? Were they aware you were going and returning? Are they sub letting it until your return? Lawyer up if you’re not at fault.