By Anonymous - 23/05/2018 19:30 - United Kingdom - London

Today, after hours of pain due to bad food the night before, I accidentally and silently let rip. My wheelchair-bound aunt panicked and made a dash for the bathroom, thinking her colostomy bag had ripped. I was too embarrassed to admit it was me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 304
You deserved it 730

Top comments

I think she'd figure it out when she gets to the bathroom and sees nothing has happened to her bag...

thatslifeiguess7 16


thatslifeiguess7 16

At least your family has a great slang term for a massive fart, “Whoa, that was a real bag-ripper!!”

I think she'd figure it out when she gets to the bathroom and sees nothing has happened to her bag...

Donut_Wizard 23

New game for mobile devices: Colostomy Dash.

I feel bad for that poor aunt though.

Pretty sure she knew it was you and faked the whole thing just to get away from you.

Why do so many people agree that his life sucks? Do you even stop to consider how embarrassed his aunt must have been? Wheelchair bound with a colostomy bag that she fear might have ripped? It's a fart. Own up to it? yet, you let her think it was her? the poor woman! shame on you!

That's a real shitty thing of you to do. Imagine how she felt if you were that embarrassed over a stinky fart. Be considerate and own it. ;)