By Anonymous - 01/12/2010 06:38 - Iraq

Today, I had to pull guard duty. I had to guard the latrine because somebody likes to stuff whole toilet paper rolls in the toilet to clog it. Only six more months in Iraq. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 263
You deserved it 3 690

Same thing different taste

Top comments

who is stupid enough to clog the toilet! what an idiot!

I think the military is doing what they are ordered to do. It's important that people are able to understand this. I don't agree with the war over there especially the justification used, but I have a lot of respect for someone (whatever the reason: to serve country, tuition money, just a job, etc) who has enough courage to go out there leaving friends, family, and all the comforts of home to go and fight, or perform whatever service in harms way. It takes a lot and it's not the soldiers' fault we are there it's the politicians so blame them JS.


Wow. It's good to know that this is what the US is spending ridiculous amounts of money on. Way to go troops

mountiegal 0
ManaUser 0

At least you probably won't get shot or blown up defending that. That's something, right?

tboudre 0

I respect the military, but what kind of childish people are we sending to defend our nation?

Did you at least catch the Toilet Paper Bandit? Sorry, dude!

structuredchaoz 4

Thank you for your service and for our freedom. Our family is forever grateful and supportive

To all the ones who chose the " you totally deserve it", shame on you!!!!! By the way thank you very much for all you have had to give up to protect our freedom!!!!