By it's sharty time :/ - 02/07/2016 18:45 - United States - Bismarck

Today, during an 8 hour shift at a very busy bowling alley, I found out I can't trust a fart anymore. I'm only 25. Now I have to finish my shift commando, and also get rid of the evidence without anyone noticing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 510
You deserved it 1 769

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And you didn't even bring a spare. Strike one.

That's /barely/ a breach of trust, OP. The fart I hired to handle my personal finances is being investigated for tax fraud. It's so hard to find trustworthy farts nowadays.


Sorry op rejection is never easy, she's probably only not talking to you because she feels it would be awkward. Hopefully she'll get over it soon enough

She has a point, though, #1. It would be super awkward to have your underwear talk to you post-shart.

Denny1988 19

what? don't think you read the post properly

That must have been a shitty situation

#17, I love how your profile pic matches so well with your comment.

And you didn't even bring a spare. Strike one.

Hopefully there was a nearby gutter for OP to utilize.

This is the best pun I've seen on FML in a long time. Bravo to you!

heatherrr17 19

Lol im sorry but im laughing, try not to be embarressed by it

probably because it's mainly just elderly people who can't control their bodily functions

Or people with nerve issues or other ailments.

Go to the bathroom, clean yourself up, throw out the underpants, and get back to work. If someone sees you throwing them out, who cares? This does not have to be a big deal or even an FML. It's life. Things happen.

That's /barely/ a breach of trust, OP. The fart I hired to handle my personal finances is being investigated for tax fraud. It's so hard to find trustworthy farts nowadays.

It apparently wasn't so much an untrustworthy fart as a shit fraudulently misrepresenting itself as a fart. While not as severe as tax evasion, such an act is usually grounds for legal redress.

This post sums up living in North Dakota for me.

This is a common occurrence in North Dakota??

In this day in age, you just don't expect that kind of crap.

andrmac 25

This from the guy who shamed the shituation guy??