By Anonymous - 01/12/2010 06:38 - Iraq

Today, I had to pull guard duty. I had to guard the latrine because somebody likes to stuff whole toilet paper rolls in the toilet to clog it. Only six more months in Iraq. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 263
You deserved it 3 690

Same thing different taste

Top comments

who is stupid enough to clog the toilet! what an idiot!

I think the military is doing what they are ordered to do. It's important that people are able to understand this. I don't agree with the war over there especially the justification used, but I have a lot of respect for someone (whatever the reason: to serve country, tuition money, just a job, etc) who has enough courage to go out there leaving friends, family, and all the comforts of home to go and fight, or perform whatever service in harms way. It takes a lot and it's not the soldiers' fault we are there it's the politicians so blame them JS.


did you shoot anyone on that adventureous job? lol

medal9717 8

Nothing to do with the FML, but I respect you for your service. Oorah.

diesel_power 9

at least the Iraqis aren't wiping their crap on the walls

its_jonny_bro 16