By karmasabitch - 17/05/2009 20:16 - United States

Today, I had my high school reunion. The nerdy guy that I picked on all 4 years had married a Swedish supermodel, then divorced her for a Brazilian supermodel. My girlfriend works at 7-11. Karma sucks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 986
You deserved it 312 882

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI. I dont even need to say anything more than that.

YDIIIIIIII. man, didn't bill gates say something like this once - 'don't pick on nerds, you'll probably end up working for one'?


hey! pick on me! i'll probably marry some hot celebrity or something. :D

Hey, I don't know if your girlfriend is a really cool cat or what, but YOU, sir, are a complete douchebag who deserves every bit of this FML. Karma will always be the bigger bitch!

angeldo6695 0
KimDywell 0

I feel bad for your girlfriend. Stuck with a jerk like you...

#62 is right. You're a dick for not realizing that giving someone a hard time for no reason is wrong, for not appreciating your girlfriend, and for still thinking looks are whats important.

go **** yourself! i work at 7-11 too. it doesn't make me a lesser being. i bet you he's unhappy with his marriage.

jambatwist03 0

Oh everyone stop your whining over the "jocks" in your lives. They'll grow up to be nothing? Tell that to: a.) The athletes getting paid MILLIONS a year professionally. b.) The people who got stellar opportunities because employers think very highly of athletes part of TEAM competition because that's a huge aspect of the business world. I have gotten so many opportunities over others even if my GPA is slightly lower than theirs because being part of a TEAM (yes, even ATHLETIC team) provides a lot of great REAL LIFE experience. Quit whining. You should be grateful that at least he realized it. A lot of nerds waste away their lives too, becoming too consumed with video games and such just as much as athletes can. Get over yourselves and your off sense of entitlement.

Stop being so bitter. Not every nerds ends up being Bill Gates, and not every jock ends up being a mall cop .