By Anonymous - 18/09/2018 22:10

Today, my fancy rubber phone case did its job and saved my phone from damage when I dropped it on the bathroom counter. Unfortunately, it was rather useless after the massive bounce it took before landing in the toilet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 555
You deserved it 359

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This, more than anything, is why you always <i>keep the toilet lid closed</i> whenever the toilet is not in use.

Aren’t all of the fancy phones waterproof now? Just rinse that thing off and you’re good to go. As long as the toilet wasn’t full...


When you dodge one bullet, only to run into another.

Aren’t all of the fancy phones waterproof now? Just rinse that thing off and you’re good to go. As long as the toilet wasn’t full...

Jorn van der Ar 13

Aren't toilets equipped with covers? I would have been enough to close it and there wouldn't be any need for rinsing it.

They’re not poop-proof. The phone may be perfectly function, post-poo, but who would want to use it, amirite?

This, more than anything, is why you always <i>keep the toilet lid closed</i> whenever the toilet is not in use.

Score one for women everywhere that put up with a man that won't put the seat back down

This is why, if I do - rarely, very honestly - take my phone into the bathroom with me, I SET IT DOWN AWAY FROM ANY WATER.

Reading FML while I'm pooping is the only way to enjoy this app tho

fde2blknimout 18

Despite getting fecal matter on your toothbrush every time you flush you still keep your toilet lid up. I hope you learned a lesson ps. OTTER BOX

On the bright side, this is the perfect opportunity for you to get a new, water resistant phone.