By karmasabitch - 17/05/2009 20:16 - United States

Today, I had my high school reunion. The nerdy guy that I picked on all 4 years had married a Swedish supermodel, then divorced her for a Brazilian supermodel. My girlfriend works at 7-11. Karma sucks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 986
You deserved it 312 882

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI. I dont even need to say anything more than that.

YDIIIIIIII. man, didn't bill gates say something like this once - 'don't pick on nerds, you'll probably end up working for one'?


I'm guessing the "nerd" lied about it to make his former classmates jealous. Honestly he's as much of a douche if he did in fact leave one woman so he could be with another. I'm guessing the girl he brought with him was either a friend or paid to come with him. That being said I was picked on in school too and I don't condone it, just people lie to make themselves look better, especially at reunions.

I hope your trashy, non-supermodel girlfriend reads this and throws all your crap out the window.

It's times like this I feel happy inside, because I know that at least SOME of the world's assholes get what's coming to them... -happy sigh- But, in all likelihood, you're BOTH assholes, and one of you is likely rich and married to gorgeous women. But he might not be... so, meh. I'd like to just believe... -sighs-

what is wrong with you people? What did the girlfriend do to raise your ire? If supermodel status trumps a person's personality, you have problems no amount of supermodels can fix. Asswipe.

Nylus 0

look on the bright side jack-hole, that nerd hasnt decided to hack ya yet, people leave so much unsecured on their computers -Its A Nerds World-

aJ09 0

so atleast you have a girlfriend you ungrateful ****

#192 - yes, because I'm sure the Swedish supermodel grew up wanting to be happily married ever after to a nerd and only because the nerd spotted the hotter-looking, trendier Brazilian supermodel did he dump the first one. #196 - Yes because everyone knows 7-11 clerk girlfriends have so much more personality than supermodels.

Ellaaaa 0

Um YDEFINITELYDI...esp. since now your dissing your gf...she doesn't deserve to be w/someone that judges her based on her job. She probably works very hard, and she's probs not happy about it either.

Sooo apparently everyone on FML got picked on in high school.