By justwantsomeillusionofjustice - 14/08/2017 07:00 - United States - Klamath Falls

Today, I stumbled across my school bully on Facebook. She's a successful business owner and engaged to be married. I can't land a job and am hopelessly single. The b***h that served as the catalyst for my depression and suffered no repercussions is getting married on my birthday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 118
You deserved it 726

Same thing different taste

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Your FML posting really touched my heart. Sometimes, it really seems like the Universe is against us. Try to remember that it's just a feeling: bad things happen to good people, and great things happen to bad people every day. I feel like the Universe might be sending you a message by having your arch-nemesis get married on your special personal day. That message can be positive or negative, it's up to you! It could be "Look, you're a hopeless case, and even on your best day, your enemies can laugh at you!" or it can be "Look how powerful you are, your former enemy has turned her life around and is celebrating it on YOUR day. Now, it's your turn, and nothing can stop you from turning your life around, too!"

Facebook is one giant illusion, it is not a true reflection of people's lives, people show a very edited and filtered version of themselves. Do you know her business is successful, have you seen her bank balance? I have seen many long term relationships /engagements/marriages crumble where I have been so surprised to hear how miserable they were for a long time but were hiding it, their Facebook persona showed them to be all loved up constantly. Don't focus on it or compare lives, only focus on what you need to do to better yourself!


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pipthepickles 3

shut the hell up. self diagnosis is valid and you don't get a say in whether someone is mentally ill or not.

By your logic I do. If someone can self diagnose themselves I can diagnose them too. They haven't seen a mental health professional and neither have I. We both have valid opinions until a professional steps in. I have lost people to depression and it sickens me that we have a generation of special snowflakes who wear/create mental disorders for themselves as a badge of coolness. Depression is very real problem so treat it with the respect it deserves not some mopey angst ridden teen trying to feel unique. That just trivialises the condition. Or TLDR version. Shut up stupid ****!

wysegirl 24

Your right. Many people have obstacles that they have to overcome. I have known so many people that if they used this excuse then they wouldn't be where they are today. I hope this person can get their life together and not blame others for their failures.

Your FML posting really touched my heart. Sometimes, it really seems like the Universe is against us. Try to remember that it's just a feeling: bad things happen to good people, and great things happen to bad people every day. I feel like the Universe might be sending you a message by having your arch-nemesis get married on your special personal day. That message can be positive or negative, it's up to you! It could be "Look, you're a hopeless case, and even on your best day, your enemies can laugh at you!" or it can be "Look how powerful you are, your former enemy has turned her life around and is celebrating it on YOUR day. Now, it's your turn, and nothing can stop you from turning your life around, too!"

Why are you stalking her on Facebook? “Stumbled across,” my ass!

Facebook is one giant illusion, it is not a true reflection of people's lives, people show a very edited and filtered version of themselves. Do you know her business is successful, have you seen her bank balance? I have seen many long term relationships /engagements/marriages crumble where I have been so surprised to hear how miserable they were for a long time but were hiding it, their Facebook persona showed them to be all loved up constantly. Don't focus on it or compare lives, only focus on what you need to do to better yourself!

Wow, what a deroute for a happy life. If she wants to stalk her, it's fine. If the bully is happy and successful, it's more than fine. It's called moving on - and that's healthy. Why is she even comparing herself to someone else?

I'm not really sure what your point is in contrast to my comment. Did I say it wasn't fine if the bully was happy or successful? Did I say it wasn't fine to look someone up? Your response is kinda lost on me. I was just saying that you can't compare your life to a life someone is displaying on Facebook that may or may not be a real reflection of their situation, because that will never make you happy. Live your own life to the fullest.

The giant illusion talk - that's not going to help her, the bully or even you. Don't give an advice on someone you don't know on something you don't know about. She must face the real world. So what, her bully is happy and you don't have to tell her lies to make her feel better. She needs to work on her perception and not alter her reality just to escape what she's running from to move on.

So true. I was married for 6 1/2 years & everyone (including me) thought it was pretty great...after the divorce, I looked back & saw it was really (as a Taylor Swift song lyrics said) “A nightmare dressed like a daydream” (not a swift fan, just happened to hear the song

Alas, that's reality for you. I've been bullied myself in school as a child. Yet, I don't even think about my bullies anymore except that they were terrible people and whatever happened to them--good or bad, I quite frankly don't care.

Ydi if your still hung up on someone from high school, grow up, get over it and move on

Sorry you got bullied but you can't blame others for your problems forever. Get some therapy, deactivate facebook for awhile, work on yourself and stop comparing yourself to others. Maybe even work on forgiving your bully, not for her but for you. Let that shit go.

Mungolikecandy 19

The problem is that, as others are saying, you are sabotaging yourself because of the hurt which was caused you when young. I was bullied at school and it affected me badly and still to a degree does occasionally. At a certain point, I realised I needed to let it go and move forward rather than focusing on the pain from those days. I am now engaged and have positives in life. It may be time to realise that you can be a better person and to leave those people who hurt you in the past and make a life for yourself.

Sad, but unfortunately common. Recent studies have shown that bullies have higher self-esteem and greater sex appeal than non-bullies. They also attain greater social status and suffer from lower rates of depression.