By karmasabitch - 17/05/2009 20:16 - United States

Today, I had my high school reunion. The nerdy guy that I picked on all 4 years had married a Swedish supermodel, then divorced her for a Brazilian supermodel. My girlfriend works at 7-11. Karma sucks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 986
You deserved it 312 882

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI. I dont even need to say anything more than that.

YDIIIIIIII. man, didn't bill gates say something like this once - 'don't pick on nerds, you'll probably end up working for one'?


Maybe he was just a lucky nerd...

yohaun12 3

Meet my friend, Karma. Ain't she a bitch?

kellster 2

YDI for having been an asshole in high school. YDI for being an asshole now. Your girlfriend, and what she does, are how you gain social standing???? Wtf! What about what YOU do? Other people are not objects to increase your status!

hating on where your girlfriend works makes you a double douche

You're an asshole for picking on kids in high school. And you obviously haven't changed to feel that way about your girlfriend. Once an asshole, ALWAYS an asshole, in your case.

at least you admit that you do deserve it, what with the whole 'karmas a bitch' thing

Luckily, I went to a magnet high school and EVERYONE was a nerd. Now, I'm an electrical engineering major and once again, EVERYONE is a nerd. To the OP, you deserve it, who the **** did you think you were? As for #223, precisely how many of the "jocks" in high school end up being professional players? If you were to go through all of the statistical data, the answer would be, "nigh few." For point B, businesses look at brains, you don't see many CEOs who played football in high school or college.

could be worse, she could work at wal-mart