Need help

By onwardsandupwards - 21/01/2020 14:00

Today, I went to the cemetery to visit a friend. As I was looking for his burial plot, I fell into a dug out grave and had to call my partner to come help me get out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 014
You deserved it 460

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sue the cemetery. The freshly dug grave should have been marked with flags and rope.

How could you possibly not see that? There's always a huge pile of dirt next to the damn hole. ydi


Sue the cemetery. The freshly dug grave should have been marked with flags and rope.

You were lucky you didn't get killed in the fall! On the other hand, you couldn't have picked a more perfectly convenient location to kick the bucket.

How could you possibly not see that? There's always a huge pile of dirt next to the damn hole. ydi

"Shut up! You'll wake the dead! And they're literally all around us!"

You're supposed LIE in your grave, not crawl out of it.

GoogieWithers 22

Well that’s taking “help I’ve fallen and I can’t get up” to a whole new level. 😂🤣

randybryant799 20

Are you blind? I mean how else could you not see a giant hole in the ground?