By karmasabitch - 17/05/2009 20:16 - United States

Today, I had my high school reunion. The nerdy guy that I picked on all 4 years had married a Swedish supermodel, then divorced her for a Brazilian supermodel. My girlfriend works at 7-11. Karma sucks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 986
You deserved it 312 882

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI. I dont even need to say anything more than that.

YDIIIIIIII. man, didn't bill gates say something like this once - 'don't pick on nerds, you'll probably end up working for one'?


You are a jackass, and jackasses only date other jackasses, which is why you can't, and never will be able to find yourself a better girlfriend. Just do me a favour; don't reproduce. You'll do the world a favour if you let your gene line die out.

Speaking as someone who was bullied all through school...YDI. At least try to show some more respect for your girlfriend. However, I realize you had it coming. I have to compliment you, at least, for realizing that much. Hopefully you'll grow a bit and learn. were a jerk to that guy and now he has the last laugh, That is god for you i hope your life sucks

LeonardSnow 0

The Revenge of the Nerds!

ohhhhshizzz 0

Ahh, I love being in at my nerd loving albeit messy high school. & it is NOT private or magnet, it's public. We are all mainly on a team, a club, or get GREAT grades. If you aren't on like student council, a sports team, and an honors class you are a no body. Our two biggest jocks [girl & boy] just got the awards for student of the year, they were seniors. I feel sorry for earlier times when being stupid & bitchy was a cool thing. OP: You are a dick, plain and simple. And your girlfriend should dump you. You are wrong karma isn't a bitch, karma is a ****** who just cockslapped you in the face for those 4 years of hell you probably put the "nerd" through. Loser, do I sound like someone?

YDI That's what you get for being a jackass! And if this is the first time that karma came to bite you in the ass, you've got a lot more coming asswipe!

dmavericks041 0

Life lesson- YDI BE NICE TO NERDS/GEEKS - they will likely will end up being your boss at some point in time