By karmasabitch - 17/05/2009 20:16 - United States

Today, I had my high school reunion. The nerdy guy that I picked on all 4 years had married a Swedish supermodel, then divorced her for a Brazilian supermodel. My girlfriend works at 7-11. Karma sucks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 986
You deserved it 312 882

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI. I dont even need to say anything more than that.

YDIIIIIIII. man, didn't bill gates say something like this once - 'don't pick on nerds, you'll probably end up working for one'?


Paxomaniac 0

strangely enough in about 8 more years, some guy who sees me at a reunion is going to be saying the same thing, thanks for giving me something to look forward to--I can only hope that someday the same girlfriend you panned winds up with the same "nerd" you hassled.

SirAlan 0
shizzbangpop 0

The "nerdy" guy is usually the really smart/going to be successful one. YDI.

What would make this even better would be if your gf who comes home from working in 7-11 sees this when she gets on your computer and dumps you....icing on the cake tbh...

ellis_fml 0

This is the first time I've clicked YDI on one of these. I hope you have a beer belly too

Wow, not only did you pick on the nerdy guy back in high school, but you're still so self-centered and shallow that you openly diss on your girlfriend while lusting after the nerdy guy's supermodel wives. Way to be a jackass and a half.

I aree with numba 120 You are a jerk and you should be grateful that a girl would actually like you cuz u definetly dont deserve one and if i was her i would dump your sorry a** lol!

And now your girlfriend will probably read this and dump your worthless ass. Another point for karma.

this story scores a big ol' 10 on the bullshit-meter.

i have a feeling this is going to be one of the top flop FML's lol