By Smokey9 - 25/07/2011 15:12 - United States

Today, yep, pubic hair is still flammable. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 608
You deserved it 62 543

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shouldn't ********** so fast. Hair+friction=explosions.


Thanks, I haven't set my pubic hairs aflame in awhile. Glad to know they still catch fire.

nlr 9

no shit Sherlock! but thanks for the reminder I was gonna spend my afternoon playing with matches infront of my crotch!

"still" flammable? try it more than once?

asianpersuasian2 9

im with 191 what do you mean "STILL FLAMMABLE?" did you think it would stop being flammable after the first time? and why do you even know that its flammable in the first place. you totally got what you deserved if youre gonna do stupid stuff should expect your crotch to catch fire?

josuff24 1

wouldn't it be easier and less painful to just shave..?

conholio33 28

why on earth would u do that..... seems stupid to me

broomhildo 19