By Smokey9 - 25/07/2011 15:12 - United States

Today, yep, pubic hair is still flammable. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 608
You deserved it 62 543

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shouldn't ********** so fast. Hair+friction=explosions.


asianeggrole 0
Alysin 14

how did this get past moderation?

nikki0627 5

last time i checked, you dont ********** with matches? haha.

Trinity_May 0

Boys and their curiosity. and if this is a girl... your dumb

Did you do a red head or are you a red head urself because any sort of friction could set fire to that arrea

laciloves 1

What could u possibly have done to make u realize that?