Waxing pubical

By Anonymous - 10/10/2019 16:00

Today, I was waxing my legs and somehow dropped an enormous dollop of hot wax on my naked crotch. I refused to yank it off, but still had to cut it off with scissors. So now I have a huge patch of pubic hair way shorter than the rest of it. It looks a right mess FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 029
You deserved it 1 069

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why were you waxing your legs naked? As for the pubes trim the rest or just wait it out, not exactly a disaster. Well done for not just panicking and yanking the wax off though!


Yet another reason not to sport a big bush!

Don't worry, it's temporary and I guess only one person is going to see it. If he/she has problems with it then this is the wrong person for you.

bullsonyourface 20

Why were you waxing your legs naked? As for the pubes trim the rest or just wait it out, not exactly a disaster. Well done for not just panicking and yanking the wax off though!

A lot of people find waxed flooring a turn on

If it bothers you, why not just remove it all and let it regrow?

So just wax the pubes too. What’s the big deal?