Media frenzy

By Homeless - 22/08/2023 16:00

Today, our roof collapsed due to water damage. I had saved the money to get the roof fixed months ago, but my wife saw a scare story about gas stoves and demanded we spend the money getting every gas-powered appliance ripped out and replaced. That new HVAC system will work great in a condemned house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 692
You deserved it 192

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lalalaila777 24

you could have also demanded the roof be fixed, you can't blame someone else when you knew it needed To be fixed and you had the money saved up.


lalalaila777 24

you could have also demanded the roof be fixed, you can't blame someone else when you knew it needed To be fixed and you had the money saved up.

Do you have a flat roof that ended up concave? Otherwise, I wonder how to get water damage on a roof. Just wondering.

Don’t you have an insurance to cover that situation? And gas is so much better for cooking!