By Anonymous - 21/05/2009 06:21 - United States

Today, the three-year-old I was babysitting asked me where my boyfriend was. I told her he was at his house. I'm twenty and single. I lied to a three year old to make myself look less pathetic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 806
You deserved it 14 180

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you really needed to impress a three year old?

Wow, that's really sad... and what's pathetic about being 20 and single (I'm 20 and single haha).


ffpoisongirl 0

I'm 22 and single. Nothing wrong with being single, everything wrong with having to lie - to anyone - about it to save face.

What's so bad about being single at 20? You don't always have to be in a committed relationship all the time. Don't feel bad.

So, you didn't want to look pathetic, so you lied to a 3-year-old about having a boyfriend... and then came to fmylife to post the story, making you look even more pathetic than you would have if you had just told the kid the truth? Smaaart. Seriously, the kid assumed you had a boyfriend. Which means there's something about you that makes her think you would have one. If you had just told her you were single, she probably would have complimented you and boosted your self esteem.

I'm 20 and single :) It's not so bad. But was it nessisary to lie to an innocent child? lol

you must be a winner.... LOL in your face

omg youre 20 and not married with 3 kids? Preposterous, FYL

Not having a boyfriend is not the end of the world....I know lots of people your age and older who don't and they are the strongest people I know cuz they don't have to have a man that's in charge of whether or not they'll be happy people. Happiness is what you make it out to be, and if you need a man for that then so be it, but I really think you should find some other things that'll make you happy and not rely on a man for that. Don't you have friends?

alex_vik 0

A three year old can talk? AND a three year old knows about boyfriends? Wtf?